The ideal solution for your business

With KE-BOOKING®, don't lose more customers, win new!

Some of your future customers (more and more numerous), want to find and book their stay easily at any time.

Studies show, the trends in customer expectations are:

  • reservations at any time
  • more and more last-minute bookings
  • weather-dependent customers

By adding KE-BOOKING® as an additional booking method you answer their request:

  • they can book at any time
  • they do not book at another establishment that has online booking
  • they do not ask for availability at other establishments that can answer before you, they book immediately at your place
  • they have the same service as most tourism stakeholders (search for availability and online booking)

In any case, do not let your hard-earned customers leave your website to book your establishment on the website of an online travel agency that finally costs you the price of acquisition plus the expensive price of the commission.